Getting there
Please refer to the directions and parking page for more information.
Guest Arrival
Guests are welcome to start arriving any time after 1 p.m. Unless otherwise marked, all seating is available.
Student lineup
Graduates should line up according to program at 1:30 p.m. on the Fifth Avenue Streetscape (between Marston and Weter). If students are participating in a Hooding ceremony or program gathering prior to the Commencement ceremony, a staff member will direct them to the Streetscape.
Rain plan
If there is a forecast for severe weather, including heavy rain and/or thunder and lightning, the Rain Plan will be put into action. Students will receive email notification if and when the Rain Plan is put into action. If you do not receive a rain plan notification, it means the event will be outdoors as originally schedule. Please be sure to plan for the weather.
Grad Images is the official photography company for Commencement. They will take a photograph of each graduate receiving a diploma, and graduates will receive a proof in the mail shortly after the ceremony. You can contact the company at 1-800-628-4509, or by visiting No other photographers are allowed in any aisle or near the platform.
ADA seating
For guests using a wheelchair or walker, or who need a seat close to the sidewalk, please contact We can make arrangements for a few companion seats as well.
ADA dropoff
We recommend pulling into the Ross parking lot, directly across 3rd Ave. W. from Tiffany Loop, to drop off your guests before parking your car.
Sign language interpretation
There will be sign language interpretation at the Graduate Commencement ceremony. If you have a guest that needs to be seated close to the interpreter, please contact
Flowers and leis
There is no official flower vendor, but frequently there is someone selling flowers and leis on the sidewalk near the opening to Tiffany Loop. To be safe, we recommend purchasing flowers before you come to campus.
The SPU Bookstore will be open 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. They will have any remaining regalia (caps, gowns, hoods, and stoles) available for purchase.